Events Ice Bowl Results

2012 LoCo Ice Bowl Results

Funds Raised for Loudoun Interfaith Relief: $332

Chili Cook-off Champion

  • Dave “Doc” Swierczynski

bag tag # in parentheses


  1. Steve Ganz (2) 61
  2. Steve Marinich (3) 64
  3. Chadd O’Brien (4) 65
  4. Bob Sivinski (5) 65
  5. Matt Shaffer (6) 66
  6. Mark Diedering69
  7. Malcom Heber (8) 70
  8. Brian Fish (10) 70
  9. Rick Davis (11) 70
  10. Kyle Bisson 70
  11. Dave Swezerski (12) 71
  12. Bud Stern 72
  13. Brian Junkins (14) 73
  14. Ron Hoover (17) 75
  15. Jason Williams (18)75
  16. Travis J 75
  17. Kevin Diaz 76
  18. Brent Anderson 78
  19. Ken Durgin (19) 78
  20. Scot Ferris (21) 80
  21. Greg 86
  22. Jeff Gellman (22) 92
  23. Peter Van Dyke (23) 95

5 replies on “2012 LoCo Ice Bowl Results”

Great time on Saturday!! Thanks again to everyone that brought Chili (clutch!) and helped put it all together!

What tees/baskets were used in the Ice Bowl? I played my first round at Franklin today and I’m trying to gauge how I did. Are there any posted results for blue tees/purple baskets?

Thanks for the info, Steve. I get my second crack at this course tomorrow. Excited to get out there. What did the other divisions play (tees/baskets) in the results you linked?

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