Club News

LoCo Disc Golf Club Fights Hunger In Loudoun County


(Pictured above (from left): Matt Shaffer, LoCo DGC President, Jennifer Montgomery, Executive Director LIR, Brian Junkins LoCo DGC/Ice Bowl Tournament Director and Steve Ganz, LoCo DGC/PDGA Liaison)

Purcellville, Va. (Jan. 24, 2015)—Members of the LoCo Disc Golf Club collectively raised $3,100 in cash donations and 120lbs of food for Loudoun Interfaith Relief during their yearly Ice Bowl Food Drive at Franklin Park in Purcellville, Va.

The LoCo Ice Bowl is part of an international series of winter disc golf events dedicated to fighting hunger. Since 1986, over $2.8 million dollars have been raised via Ice Bowl® disc golf tournaments. The LoCo Ice Bowl, through the efforts of the LoCo Disc Golf Club, has raised over $5,000 and 350lbs of food over the past 4 years, with 100% of all donations going directly to Loudoun Interfaith Relief.

Loudoun Interfaith Relief is Loudoun’s largest food pantry serving more than 15,000 people annually through more than 30,000 visits.  Forty three percent of those served are children. For more information, visit their website at

For more information regarding the LoCo Ice Bowl contact Brian Junkins, LoCo Tournament Director, at For general club information please contact Matt Shaffer at We invite you to also visit and on Facebook.