Club News

LoCo Meet Ups

We meet each Thursday at 545pm at Franklin Park for random draw doubles. $3 buy in.

Sunday informal meetups at Franklin Park. Check facebook for meet ups by club members. The Fall Singles League will begin in September.


2 replies on “LoCo Meet Ups”

I lost a favorit disc yesterday in the tall growth behind #12, and a passing golfer told me I could post here for help. It is an orange Star Sidewinder With a gold foil LSDics stamp. The (incorrect) number on the back is 859-492-5110; my current, correct number is 571-283-9344. Please contact me if you find it.

There is a lost and found located at the park office. The office is located just south of the parking lot for hole #1 in the middle of the ball filds complex. I’ll keep an eye out for it as well. Matt

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